An Ever-Growing Story

Established by Niya Solomon in 2016, Beyond The Limits Outreach is an organization that holds right relationship and helping one another in high regard. We believe every person is important, and plays a vital role in the health of family, diversity, and well-being of our community as a whole. Our goal and mission, since inception, is to bring family and neighbors together to solve problems and build a brighter future.

With a small staff and a core group of volunteers, we have managed to build a number of partnerships with local businesses and organizations from around the area. It is our partnerships that have allowed us to create programs, host events, and encourage people in our care to become engaged and productive.

Your Participation Counts

With open hearts,Beyond The Limits Outreach believes in giving hope and encouragement to those vulnerable and hurting. That is one thing we learned early on, as listeners, is to come alongside folks and help providing life skills, and implementing strategies to replace harmful coping mechanisms and providing outreach programs. Become a "Partner of Hope" for the young families struggling in todays high-pressure world.

You can learn more about our programs and outreach by coming to one of our biweekly meetings. Meetings are held on Tuesdays at the main library in downtown Wethersfield

Donations are gratefully accepted at the address below. As a 501(c)3 organization we provide yearly statements. Your ongoing partnership is recognized at our annual Gala and on our Friends of the BTLO page!